Hinduism, every belief becomes faith and every faith becomes a practice and
every practice becomes religious customs. There is a logical reason for this as
like if you are explaining to someone about the science that can make you
teleport virtually from one place to other instantly they may not understand
rather sees you like a Sci fi movie.
And in the same context, if you had tried
to explain about internet in 18th century,
they may see you like a
person suffering from mental disorder and never believes you. So for this
reason, the things which are far from the common mans mind, which will have a
great impact in future or unknowingly in daily life, these are introduced as
beliefs and customs in the name of god in Hinduism, so that the practice is ensured. I will
give you a quick example for this, Every Friday the entrances of houses mainly
bottom and sides are to be applied with yellow paste because color yellow in
sacred to god in Hinduism. But the logical reason is yellow commonly and easily
you can get from turmeric only and one tends to use turmeric powder and applies
as a paste. So here turmeric acts as a natural pesticide and insecticide and
keeps away bugs, Pests, crawling insects from entering in to house and most
importantly non toxic to humans.
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